The 5 Different Types of Alcoholics

They drink more heavily than any other type of alcoholic, consuming alcohol 248 days of the year on average and drinking five or more drinks 69 percent of the time. Nearly 50 percent of intermediate familial alcoholics have a family history of alcoholism. When they do...

Family Addiction: How Does Addiction Affect Families?

Common signs of alcoholism include frequent and excessive drinking, neglecting responsibilities, putting alcohol use over personal relationships, and experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not consuming alcohol. AUD can have a genetic component and environmental risk...

Wet Brain: Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Our compassionate, friendly staff is available 24-hours a day to take your call and help you begin your recovery journey. Kelly is a board certified Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner who earned her Master of Science degree in Nursing with a concentration in...

Wet Brain from Alcohol: Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome WKS

By the time someone reaches the late stages of alcoholism, they’re likely to struggle with heart problems. Most people have high blood pressure, damage to their heart muscle, and angina. Following detox, patients receive intensive thiamine supplementation to address...

Wet Brain and Alcoholism Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome

Those who spend more extended periods halfway have more success in maintaining long-term sobriety. At United Recovery Project, our holistic approach to addiction treatment centers around addressing and healing theunderlying issues at the root of addiction. By Esther...